Buddy benches are being added to school playgrounds around the world. The purpose of these benches is to offer a space for children to sit when they are in need of another child to reach out to them. Not only does it benefit children that feel alone or isolated but it also encourages students to look out for each other.
I love the idea of the Buddy Bench and am thinking of including it in the second book in the Adventures With My White Cane series. I think it is a great place in a book to share some important conversations.

Adventures With My White Cane: The School Play is currently in production and will be released later in 2025. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss it!

If you were creating a story that features a Buddy Bench, what conversation might be had there? What characters would use the bench? Or, even as a fun twist, what would the bench hear, or feel?

I love books that show kids supporting each other.
Check out The Adventures of Bentley Hippo: Inspiring Children to be Kind by Argyro Graphy.
This book focuses on peer pressure and bullies with Bentley and his friends coming together to show kindness and support as they help Marty through a difficult situation.

Do you have a favourite book that shows students/friends supporting each other? We'd love to hear about it so we can share the love of reading with others.

Bullying is always difficult to face - and the more we talk about it the more we can help kids deal with the situations. Check out Bullying for some ideas and other books to get the conversation started on this topic.